
The error of my ways - Part II

So, there has been a lot of chatter in the food world about a place called Pizzarium. Trouble is, chatter is notoriously unreliable. (It often just means that a restaurant (or a restaurateur) is cute). In my experiences, places that are all the rage rarely live up to the hype. And I refuse to wait in line for pizza. Or eat out in the cold. And so this particular hotspot was only peripherally on my radar.

But I just happened to spend three hours at the Vatican museums this morning, and the pizza joint just happens to be located behind the Vatican, so I just happened to stop by on the way to the subway. You know. In case there was no line.

There was not.

What there was was suppli alla coda al vacchinaria. Oh my god.

What there was was pizza with (?) guanciale, broccoli raab, potato, and some kind of crazy salsa. Don't even get me started on the crust.

What there was was pizza with spinach, fried onions and potatoes.

(I also tasted the one near the gloved hand, with the purple pickled cauliflower.)

Run, don't walk. Brave the lines. Brave the cold (though maybe not the rain).

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