
Saigon salvation

I've been having a little trouble finding food in Saigon. Its partly due to Tet, but it's also partly due to the fact that people have not wanted to serve me.

One woman was silently yelling at me because I wanted limes and bean sprouts to go with my soup. (I think she thought I was trying to haggle on the price, but I also suspect she just didn't want the hassle of dealing with a foreigner.)

Another woman got out of serving me by refusing to make any eye contact at all (which was very disappointing, because whatever she was serving looked delicous).

So in despair, I attempted to just buy something wrapped in banana leaves that I thought (wrongly) was some sort of protein encased in sticky rice in could just unwrap and eat. So, gesticulating wildly, I tried desperately to indicate that I wanted 1 of whatever it was. 

No wonder the owner thought I needed help. Laughing, she went inside to fetch her daughte, who made it clear that I could not just nibble on this hunk of what turned out to be some sort of lunch meat. 

So the mom went and bought bread, the daughter went and bought cucumbers, and they made me a sandwich. They also absolutely refused to take a dime, despite 5 minutes of pleading on my part, instead shooing me off with wishes of happy new year and  lall the money and happiness there is. 

I admit I cried.

In case you're in the neighbourhood:

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