
Long haul

Because I am me, despite taking what I thought was, if not a luxury shuttle, something in the ballpark, where did I wind up?


The chicken bus. (OK fine, so there were no actual chickens, but there might as well have been).

I was on the road for 9 hours. For a 5 hour ride.

But it was pretty terrific. The driver was great, Tanzanian customs were a breeze (and charming), and they dropped me off right at my my super fancy yet on the wrong side of the tracks hotel (maybe I just got confused where my luxury was coming from).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should be the "traveller" that gets cloned. Always upbeat, friendly,curious and open
to different ways of doing things! I'm loving this blog. The slum fascinated me. People
making changes in their live and others, and the future!
Got your email early this morning. The 1st! Thanks. I'm trying to set up Skype.
Fingers crossed!