
200,000 ksh

(Or 2,000 USD) is the price of this photograph.

Atop the bridge that crosses the tracks halfway between the railway station and the museum, the lovely Veever and I were stopped by a cop (or possibly a security guard, I'm not quite sure), who advised us that, much to his regret, he was going to have to arrest us and take us to the station, where we would be fined 200,000 ksh and be tossed into a jail cell for the night.

When asked why, his answer included the taking of illegal photographs and something about being loud. Maybe. (I assume he meant me.)

Veever played it super cool. We understand. Our pics were illegal. Sorry. Guess you'll have to arrest us. So sorry. We didn't know. My apologies.

This innocent act forced him to articulate the bribe he was looking for (in this case lunch). V apologized for not being able to pay a bribe, as a UN employee. (This was not in my playbook, but I found it very compelling.)

In the end, no arrest was forthcoming. He didn't make us delete the putative contraband.

Enjoy the picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great story you have, the bonus being it involved trains!!! Then there's A. doing her
country proud!!! Such subtle diplomacy. I think Duane VanB would be proud!! Thanks for this one!
Ever onward! !!!