
Museo de los Ferrocarriles de Yucatán A.C.

About a week ago I had the pleasure of whiling away part of an afternoon at this very strange museum. I use the word museum advisedly, as it's really more of a junkyard, but I have to say, the facy of it being a junkyard only makes it all the better.

You can clamber up, on, around, and through decrepit first and second class cars, climb up in the engineer's seat, slide under the trains, and touch whatever you want (though there is much you won't want to touch). One car was refurbished inside and out, but was the only one that was off limits. Two or three were overhauled on the outside only, and the rest were slowly rusting away. (It seems as though the museum was originally state sponsored, but they lost their funding, so it is just a couple of random kids who run the show now.)

Sadly, I have no pictures, because my memory card was corrupted later that day.


I did mention that I was getting myself a treat. And I did. I had the pleasure of meeting a local artist at the Santa Lucia market on Sunday, and he had a collection of corners to end all collections. Anyway, when I saw a picture of this corner, given that a) I love trains b) I lost my train pics and c) this corner NO LONGER EXISTS and therefore I won't be able to capture it myself, this is what I treated myself to.

Now, a "remolcador" is, by all accounts, a tugboat, but this is clearly a train. I'm happy for it to remain a mystery.

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