
Campeche ♡ bikes

The public health department here launched an initiative a couple of years ago to encourage people to be more active. There are a number of different running activities, but the most amazing thing is the free bikes.

Yes, free.

I had noticed a lot of people riding crummy bikes while decked out in some snazzy high visibility vests, and figured they must be renting the bikes from someplace nearby and that I should get myself there, stat.

When I stopped one gentleman to ask him where I could rent a bike, he made it clear, "You don't rent it. You borrow it!"

The bike borrow service is located a block off the Malecon, which stretches almost 6 km along the waterfront.


Anonymous said...

You look marvellous! Especially next to a free! bike!
Hope you had a great ride!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe they gave you a helmet! I saw literally hundred of people on bikes in Akumal last week. Not one helmet. - Liz

Anonymous said...

Conveniently located next to an ambulance stop?

Barbero Garbey Garbey said...

wait, wait, wait, I should have saved my "dork" comment! xo