
A recommendation

It remains to be seen whether the firefly show will be worth it, but if you do decide to visit Kuala Selangor, do me a favour and:

- Don't come on any kind of a holiday (the bus station is a ways out of town, but on public holiday I would seem that neither city busses nor taxis run, so you'll need to hire yourself a private car) (also, most of the cute town will be closed up tight as a drum) (also, what folks are here will also be here to see the fireflies, so it promises to be a gong show).

Don't stay at the app hotel, especially on a public holiday (the hotel itself seems adequate, but it is across the river in a strange commercial strip in the middle of a no man's land (in a bad way), from which you have to walk about 20 minutes down the highway to get to town).

- Another reason not to stay at the app hotel is that from town, where the Bukit Melawati hill is (closed today, so another reason not to come on a holiday), it's a short, if unpleasant, walk to the bus station, but you'll be doubling your journey if you stay across the river.

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