
The Xiamen Airport

Offers travelers transiting through the airport 3 different options for how to spend their time:

1 The Transit Lounge - a very bare bones lounge in a windowless basement room.

2 A city tour - since I arrived at 6am this wasn't an option.

3 A hotel room - since I was travelling business class I would have been put up in a nice room, but I would have had to pay for transportation and had no yuan with which to do so. And I wasn't 100% sure I'd have the room to myself (economy class travellers are expected to share their rooms - with strangers - who are simply given a key when they arrive even if someone is sound asleep and not expecting a midnight visitor). 

So I didn't see much on my 9-hour layover, apart from some magnificent translations.


Anonymous said...

I love you take pictures of signage. I love translations.
Keep up the good work!!

Alex Gousse said...

Not a genuine counter in sight!